Djòin nos pa e tradishonal Sena di Abundansia riba dia di Aña Nobo Lunar, selebrando prosperidat, bon fortuna i komienso nobo den Aña di e Kolebra Bèrdè, 2025.

Fecha : 29 di yanüari 2025 Ora : 18.30 – 20.30 Lugá : Prime Restaurant, Zuikertuintje Mall

Dikon selebrá ku nos? 

Segun prinsipionan di Feng Shui, e sena festivo aki no solamente ta trese nos huntu pero tambe ta engrandesé energia positivo den nos bida. E Sena di Abundansia aki ta konta ku un variedat di plato ku ta simbolisá rikesa, salú i felisidat. Kompartiendo e kuminda aki ku otro ta fortalesé nos lasonan i ta invitá bon fortuna den nos bida. E akto di reuní pa un okashon asina signifikante ta balansá elementonan i ta aliña nos alrededor ku un fluho natural di energia.

Bini i disfrutá di e dushi kuminda tradishonal ku ta konsistí di 15 diferente kos di kome, yená ku simbolismo i tradishon, partikularmente den kultura asiátiko i ku ta:

1. Kada parti ta representá abundansia i prosperidat i sirbi vários plato ta nifiká abundansia i rikesa, kuadrá ku deseonan di Aña Nobo pa un aña abundante nos dilanti.

2. Un kuminda di 15 plato ta ofresé un variedat di sabor, ingrediente i tekstura, sigurando ku tur invitado por disfrutá di diferente tipo di kuminda. E variedat aki tambe ta simbolisá e bendishonnan diverso ku abo ta spera di risibí den e aña benidero.

3. Platonan tradishonal di Aña Nobo Lunar tin nifikashonnan spesífiko i ta kere ku nan ta trese bon fortuna. Por ehèmpel, piská ta simbolisá mas ku bo mester, dòmpling ta simbolisá rikesa i aletria ta simbolisá bida largu.

4. Anfitrion di un selebrashon ku hopi plato ta demostrá generosidat i hospitalidat, ku ta balornan importante den kultura asiátiko. E ta un kompromiso pa hasi e okashon spesial i memorabel pa tur ku ta selebrá.

Pues djòin e selebrashon anual aki, ku no solamente ta inkluí disfrutá di bon kuminda pero tambe ta nifiká di tin un momentu alegre, ku wega i premio i sorpresa; tur pa promové harmonia i prosperidat den Aña Nobo Lunar.

Laga nos aserká e aña nobo ku speransa, union i positivismo. Por fabor RSVP promé ku 26 di yanüari 2025 pa 23.59 pa garantisá ku nos tin sufisiente kuminda i espasio amplio pa tur hende.

Pa registrá primi aki

Feng Shui Master Reyna Joe believes that everyone deserves a life filled with positivity, balance, and prosperity. 

You can unlock the potential for positive change in your life through the ancient wisdom of Feng Shui.

Why Feng Shui?

Feng Shui, an ancient Chinese practice, is more than just arranging furniture. It's a holistic approach to harmonizing your surroundings and creating a positive energy flow. By aligning your environment with the principles of Feng Shui, you can invite abundance, good health, and success into your life.

Welcome to a transformative journey towards a better life!

How to Feng Shui your life?

  • For fame, good name and authority;
  • For love, relationships and passion;
  • For creativity and good children;
  • For helpful people in your life;
  • For a stable income;
  • For intelligence, wisdom and  knowledge;
  • For good health and
  • For wealth.

You can learn how to activate the energy in your home or office to attract the best of life, based on your personal data to transform your life to the one you deserve.

Learn more

My approach:

We provide expert guidance on incorporating Feng Shui into your life. Our resources cover a range of topics, from basic principles to advanced techniques, making it accessible for everyone.

Educational Content

We serve you in English, Dutch, Papiamentu and Spanish with regular free zooms, courses, events, articles and coaching to understand the fundamentals of Feng Shui and how it will positively impact different aspects of your life.

Consultation Services

Need personalized advice? Am your certified Feng Shui consultant, here to assist you in creating a tailored plan to Feng Shui your life. Your Feng Shui  happens, because of actions that you take.


Discover a curated selection of Feng Shui products to enhance positive energy in your home and or office. From cures, books, crystals to art, find items that resonate with you.